Wednesday 23 September 2009

Lincoln NH

We're in Lincoln New Hampshire, and nearing civilization again, so i can blog.

Right, ok, don't be alarmed, but we saw a BEAR! It was about 5 days ago before climbing Mt. Madison and ascending onto the ridge that Mt. Washington is on. Bear just came strolling along the trail, while Nic and i were looking for a spot to cross a river. I was in an uncompromising position at the time (river crossings make me go to the toilet, i can't really explain it, but it happens every time!), and the bear just strolled past, turned towards the river and crossed in a flash. Before we could even get the camera. It got to within about 10ft of us. It was a beautiful 1 year old male, and pretty harmless to humans.

'The Whites' (Presidential Mountains including Franconia Ridge - awesome) were hard, but not as hard as Maine. Big ups and downs, but we have almost finished the hardest part of the trail. 20% of the distance, but 50% of the effort is complete, so they say. We had a Maximum gust of 91mph on top of Mt. Washington, the rain was horizontal and didn't even touch the ground, it was crazy (but pretty safe!) and so no pictures unfortunately, unless you like pictures of fog/cloud. Sun came out down the valley and all was good within a few 1000 ft. High winds are due to its position under the jet-stream, apparently. I would google that but i'm on a meter at the moment.

Now the pressure is on to complete higher mileage days as the trail gets flatter, but we intend to increase our distances gradually, and continue to enjoy the trail, and the good company along the way.

I had a birthday party in a place called the Mahoosuc Notch, slowest mile on the trail. Its a boulder field that you have to climb through. So we put our hiking poles away and got climbing, it was great. A few squeezes and a bit of crawling. There was still some ice down there from last Winter, the temperature drops dramatically in the Notch and you get an icy blast every now and then.

Met an American guy on the trail who knew all the words to the George Best song 'Georgie, Georgie, they call him the Belfast boy'. Got pictures, it was so random and funny. Met a few Brits recently and had a good moan about how we miss British food (Pies mostly), and discussed the weather, as you do.

Listened to the Northern Ireland game against Poland on the internet, was disappointed with the result of the next game, but thats just the way it goes.

We are off our original schedule for our trip, just because we have realized you can't really plan the trail to fine detail, because you have to get on it to realize whats its all about, what the terrain is like under foot etc. We have been lucky with the weather, but we were walking in mud for the first couple of weeks, due to heavy rain in June and July. We got the heat wave in Maine in August which dried out the trails for us in South Maine, and the trails are better/different as you get South in general anyway. We're still learning, so we just listen to what our bodies tell us we can do. Safest way to hike.

We are off to finish the White Mountains now, and to watch the leaves change colour, next town Glencliff, then we walk right through Hanover, our first true trail town, first of many, can't wait!



  1. Glad you are both fine and that you survived the bear! i would have loved to have seen your face Gareth! Just Finished Bill Bryson and you seem to be doing better than him. Well done. Looking forward to your next post love Mum and Dad (Steve and Bev) XXXX

  2. bear!!! how exciting!!

    miss you both tonnes x

  3. Hi chums! (this is rob) it all sounds great! It sounds like you are getting to the stage where you are starting to appreciate things on a whole different scale... watching the leaves... beautiful :) it is starting to get towards that way here, I've been getting more philosophical about stuff and putting each day into context a bit more. Think hearing about you guys and reading your letters is inspiring that in me. I miss you both a lot, but I also want you to stay there forever as it sounds so perfect for you guys! scrap that last bit, can't be without the nareth times! hehe :) work is going ok with me, getting lots done and the boss is reasonably happy (you know how it is) but I'm getting writing done and seeing a tiny dot of light in a vey big tunnel... Really enjoying getting out ino the hills with katie, it's so good to finally share that feeling you get being up high, and she loves it! we are hoping (well katie doesn't know it yet) to get to some other ranges over the next 6 moths, perhaps th german or swiss alps... get some foothills in :)

    anyway, i'm sure you have more pressing matters than reading my gibberings!

    keep it real and savour it all... I have plans for yur memories when you return :)

    love you both
